Workout At Home: Your Ultimate 5 Step Guide For Success!


Picture this…you’re lazing around at home feeling lethargic or begrudgingly completing your office work/house chores while feeling anxious about, well……everything.

You intuitively know a workout would be great for your body and do wonders for your state of mind, but getting into workout mode at home is a mental challenge in itself. Here’s a step by step plan to get you there…

  1. Get a Why - If you have a big enough reason why you’d like to workout, your “how” becomes so much easier. Here’s a quick reminder how the human mind works… we’re motivated to avoid pain and gravitate toward feeling pleasure. Initially a “pain motivation” can be quite useful. For example; you see a picture of yourself and are dejected, or your doctor says you need to lose weight because you’re at high risk for a heart attack, which makes you fearful. To move away from both these painful feelings can initially provide quite a bit of motivation.

    Eventually though, you’d want a more pleasurable motivation to keep you feeling deeply inspired. For example, you’d like to get in shape for an upcoming hiking trip to the Sierras or you’d like to be in the best shape of your life for your 60th birthday.

    So find your “why” in both categories, but your lasting motivation will come from the more pleasurable “why”.

  2. Find Your Workout - Of course, we’re not going give you this plan without the necessary tools to succeed. To achieve fitness and health in body, mind and spirit one must look for workouts that encourage mobility, strength, spinal flexibility, postural alignment, graceful movements, body re-education and mental challenge. Our 24/7 Whole Body Method At Home streaming subscription service is the perfect way to accomplish all this!

    You can vary your workouts, while always focusing on proper form and gradual progression. I also recommend adding at least one workout/play/adventure time outside whether it be hiking, swimming, biking, canoeing or even birdwatching!

  3. Set A Flexible Schedule - Once you have a strong motivation factor and found your workouts, set up a specific yet flexible schedule. I find that most people set a rigid schedule, condemn themselves for not sticking to it in the first week, then give up on the “why”. Ultimately it’s a self-sabotaging mechanism which sounds like “ I didn’t have the time anyway”. Why we commonly sabotage ourselves is a future blog!

    Instead of having a set schedule, set a flexible one! For example, you may plan to workout on Mondays 10am, Wednesdays 3pm & Saturday at 10am every week. If you were unable to workout on one of these days, switch your schedule around or simply focus on the next workout and further remind yourself of your goal. By doing this, you will avoid the ever watchful inner saboteur that is ready to pounce on your plan for a better you!

  4. Your Time - Let your kids, husband, wife or partner know that you’ll be unavailable for the next 1/2-1 hr. Of course, emergencies come up, but responding to a friend who needs your fashion advice is not one of them. It’s your time!

  5. Journal - Many studies show that people who write down their goals and journal their progress, have a higher likelihood of accomplishing them. In your journal record your feelings, mini-success, setbacks and progress.

Ultimately through self-evaluation and awareness, your inner personal growth will match your outer circumstances. Start your “why” today” and then move-on toward steps 2-5.

All the best with your home workout success

Nigel Sampson

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