Synchronize Body, Mind & Spirit


As we've all come to realize in the past month, our bodies take up quite a bit of space. Being aware of this space has been a beginners crash course in zen-like thinking, as we now calculate the space between other persons and closely monitor our own often semi-conscious movement patterns.

This new forced spatial awareness is going to challenge us more in the next coming months as we think about how to move from social distancing to social integration. It will require as Joseph Pilates said in his book Return To Life ..." a unique trinity of balanced body, mind & spirit". 

There are tools and means to practice this trinity, and your daily practices will determine your health, self-confidence, poise, mental clarity and spiritual connection. No longer is loving awareness of self, surroundings and others an option in 2020 and beyond, it is a necessity in synchronising with this new life.

Here are 10 daily practice to integrate body, mind & spirit...

  1. Meditate for 5 minutes morning & evening 

  2. Conscious writing (write continuously for 2 minutes)

  3. Pilates, Yoga, Movement (join our virtual classes)

  4. Practice gratitude

  5. Clean out your storage closets 

  6. Be creative.. start something new

  7. Expand your personal comfort zone ( well, that may have happened)

  8. Write down your thoughts, especially the self-critical ones. 

  9. Play, dance & sing

  10. Compliment a friend

Nigel Sampson

Whole Body Method Co-founder

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